Prof. Dr. Petra Schwer
building 03, room 206a
Tel. +49 391 67 52576
Fax. +49 391 67 41213
Marco Lotz

Marco Lotz
I am a PhD student in mathematics at Heidelberg University. Before, I was at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. I am part of the the working groups of my advisors Petra Schwer and Thomas Kahle. Formerly, I studied at WWU Münster and completed my Masters degree under the supervision of Linus Kramer.
Geometric group theory in connection with topology is my main research interest. The subject of my current research are the combinatorics of non-affine Coxeter groups within the context of my PhD studies.
Previously, I wrote my Bachelor and Master thesis on the local structure of locally compact groups and on a geometric proof of the strong Hanna Neumann conjecture.The former deals mainly with local splitting properties of these groups.
- Grundalgen der Mathematik (Ü), Wintersemester 2023/24
- Geometrie (Ü), Sommersemester 2023
- Mathematik 3 für Informatik (Ü), Wintersemester 2022/23
- Organisation der Ringvorlesung "Geschichte und Grundlagen der Mathematik", Wintersemester 2022/2023
- Geometrie (Ü), Sommersemester 2022
- Mathematische Methoden 1 (Ü) Wintersemester 2021/22
- Mathematical Foudations (Ü) Wintersemester 2021/22
- Geometrie (Ü), Sommersemester 2021
- Mathematical Foudations (Ü) Wintersemester 2020/21
- Geometrie (Ü) , Sommersemester 2020
- Mathematische Methoden 1 (Ü) Wintersemester 2019/20
- Lightning-talk at Young geometric group theory XII Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Attended: HaJe MaDre Algebra-Seminar, Dresden, Germany
- Talk: "New lower and upper bounds for reflection length in infinite non-affine Coxeter groups", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Attended: HaJe MaDre Algebra-Seminar, Halle, Germany
- Talk: "Reflection length at infinity in hyperbolic reflection groups" at Dresden Leipzig Seminar Algebra and Geometry, Universität Leipzig, Germany
- Talk: "Reflection length at infinity in hyperbolic reflection groups" at Oberseminar Algebra und Algebraische Kombinatorik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
- Lightning-talk at Young geometric group theory XI Conference, Münster, Germany.
- Attended: Young geometric group theory XI Conference, Münster, Germany.
- Organisation of "Mini-Workshop Reflection Groups in Magdeburg" together with Anna Michael in Magdeburg, Germany
- Presentation at X-MATH (eXperimental MATHematics) organized by the Heidelberg Experimental Geometry Lab (HEGL)
- Talk: "Reflection length in discrete hyperbolic reflection groups", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk: "Reflection length in non-affine Coxeter groups", Geometry Graduate Colloquium, ETH Zurich
- Talk: "Reflection length in non-affine Coxeter groups" Mathematical Postgraduate Society Seminar, University of Sydney
- August and September: Visiting Researcher at University of Sydney with Anne Thomas
- Attended: Marco Burger's prime, Zürich, Switzerland
- Talk: "What is... Hilbert's ultra-parallel theorem for hyperplanes", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk "Reflection length in hyperbolic Coxeter groups", HaJe MaDre Algebra-Seminar, virtual
- Attended: Groups in Madrid Conference, Madrid, Spain
- Technical support for: Northern German Group Theory Colloquium, online
- Attended: Buildings 2021 Conference, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Talk: "Reflection length in hyperbolic Coxeter groups II", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Supervised: DAAD-founded internship: "Programming a geometric realisation of hyperbolic Coxeter groups".
- Attended: World of GroupCraft Conference, online
- Attended: Summer school Berlin 2021: The dual approach to Coxeter and Artin groups, Berlin, Germany
- Attended: Young geometric group theory X Conference, online
- Attended: Das Grüppchen 2021 Conference, online
- Talk: "What is... the basic construction?", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk: "What is... a hyperbolic space?", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Talk: "Reflection length in hyperbolic Coxeter groups", MathCoRe fellows seminar, Magdeburg
- Attended: BYMAT 2020 Conference, virtual.
- Attended: Combinatorial Coworkspace Conference, Hirschegg, Austria.
- Attended: Young geometric group theory IX Conference, Saint-Jacut-de-la-mer, France.
- Talk: "What are... local groups?", WISST Seminar, Magdeburg
- Attended: Buildings 2019 Conference, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Talk: "Iwasawa’s local splitting theorem for locally compact groups", 2019, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Lotz, Marco. "Reflection length at infinity in hyperbolic reflection groups" Journal of Group Theory, 2024.
- Lotz, Marco. "Powers of Coxeter elements with unbounded reflection length" arXiv:2406.05218 [math.GR], 2024.